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Salute dell’osso, chemioterapia e terapia steroidea nel trapianto di midollo allogenico

Salute dell’osso, chemioterapia e terapia steroidea nel trapianto di midollo allogenico

Attualmente il gruppo IRIS raccomanda l’uso di farmaci immunosoppressori nei cani con glomerulonefrite da immunocomplessi, quadri che potrebbero riguardare molti cani con leishmaniosi e malattia renale. Questa raccomandazione si basa sulla previsione che la soppressione dell’immunità umorale o cellulo-mediata e la risposta infiammatoria glomerulare associata influenzerà favorevolmente la progressione, la gravità e l’outcomedella malattia. Idealmente, questa decisione dovrebbe essere basata sui riscontri ottenuti da una biopsia renale. Va sottolineato che queste raccomandazioni sono basate su trial di efficacia in pazienti umani e su esperienze cliniche nei cani. Gli antiandrogeni comprendono un gruppo relativamente ampio di composti che interferiscono con la normale attività biologica di T e sono stati proposti vari meccanismi per la loro funzione.

  • Dopo aver analizzato dettagliatamente il corso di steroidi per principianti, possiamo concludere che è un programma efficace per coloro che desiderano iniziare un ciclo di steroidi in modo sicuro ed efficiente.
  • Come classe, gli steroidi anabolizzanti sono ritenuti essere probabilmente cancerogeni per l’uomo (IARC Group 2a).
  • Nell’utilizzo dei farmaci immunosoppressori particolare prudenza e attenzione va riservata al paziente cirrotico, spesso già leucopenico e piastrinopenico, che potrebbe sviluppare sia infezioni opportunistiche che insufficienza midollare su base jatrogena (2,3).
  • A differenza della miastenia con anticorpi anti-AChR, sono assenti significative alterazioni del timo e non vi sono dati a favore di un suo ruolo nella patogenesi della malattia.
  • Nonostante la iperuricemia, gli episodi di gotta infiammatoria come effetto avverso di terapie diuretiche a lungo termine, è raramente osservabile.

È per questo motivo che tali tipi di infiltrazioni dovrebbero essere fortemente sconsigliate (40). La somministrazione orale, parenterale e soprattutto intrarticolare di corticosteroidi determina disordini tendinopatici, aspetto meno frequente per i corticosteroidi inalati o usati localmente. Sebbene ci siano fattori confondenti nella ricerca che si è occupata di questo topic, sembra però esserci una correlazione diretta tra questa tipologia di farmaci e lo sviluppo di tendinopatie soprattutto degli arti inferiori (patellare e achillea) (34). Le lesioni cartilaginee sono ancora più frequenti in pazienti che oltre a questo farmaco soffrono anche di fibrosi cistica (7)(8). Generalmente i pazienti che fanno uso di tale farmaco, a causa delle proprietà condrotossiche e tendinotossiche dello stesso, tendono a sviluppare i sintomi condropatici (artralgia con o senza mialgia) associati a patologie extraarticolari (tendinopatie), generalemente dopo due settimane dalla somministrazione (9)(10). L’interruzione di questi farmaci determina una risoluzione dei sintomi tra le 2 settimane e i due mesi (3)(5)(7).

Alzheimer, donne protette grazie a una proteina cerebrale

Il trattamento a lungo termine con gli steroidi può comportare una perdita di calcio dal tessuto osseo. Ciò può avere come conseguenza dolore (localizzato soprattutto alla regione lombare), maggiore tendenza alle fratture e perdita di peso. Si manifestano con sbalzi d’umore, difficoltà a prendere sonno, ansia o irritabilità, soprattutto con il trattamento in dosi elevate o a lungo termine. La difficoltà a prendere sonno può essere ridotta prendendo gli steroidi all’inizio della giornata, ma consultate sempre l’oncologo prima di modificare la prescrizione.

  • Attraverso un approccio graduale e controllato, il corso mira a fornire le conoscenze necessarie per massimizzare i risultati e minimizzare gli effetti collaterali.
  • Questi composti sono stati modificati chimicamente in modo che siano attivi per via orale e conservino l’attività farmacologica e possano essere rilevati dai normali test analitici antidoping solo se monitorati dall’elenco delle sostanze proibite.
  • Per intervento delle esterasi plasmatiche la sostanza terapeuticamente attiva, il nandrolone, si libera dal legame estereo in modo lento e costante ma con velocità diversa a seconda della specie animale; nell’uomo l’effetto terapeutico si mantiene per almeno 3 settimane.
  • Un altro effetto collaterale non osservato con la maggior parte degli altri steroidi è la sua potenziale attività immunosoppressiva [ 62 ].
  • Dati più recenti su casi meno gravi sembrano invece deporre per una certa attività terapeutica della formulazione in crema del calcipotriolo.
  • Tutti i dati di cui al successivo punto 2 verranno conservati per il tempo necessario al fine di fornire servizi e comunque per il raggiungimento delle finalità per le quali i dati sono stati raccolti, e in ottemperanza a obblighi di legge.

Deca-Durabolin viene usato come trattamento di supporto per le ossa divenute sottili e fragili (osteoporosi) per l’età avanzata o a seguito di trattamenti medici (cause iatrogene). Tutti i dati di cui al successivo punto 2 verranno conservati per il tempo necessario al fine di fornire servizi e comunque per il raggiungimento delle finalità per le quali i dati sono stati raccolti, e in ottemperanza a obblighi di legge. L’eventuale trattamento di dati sensibili da parte del Titolare si fonda sui presupposti di cui all’art. Il desametasone è comunemente utilizzato in svariate patologie, comprese quelle reumatologiche, ove si sta facendo strada grazie alla sua pronta azione sul dolore, che comporta anche una ridotta espressività della sostanza P. Inoltre, il desametasone possiede anche un ulteriore meccanismo d’azione (quello non genomico) dose-dipendente, che utilizza recettori presenti sui neuroni9,10.

Gli steroidi androgeni anabolizzanti accelerano l’invecchiamento cerebrale

Dosi settimanali complessive fino a 25 mg/kg, somministrate per 4 mesi nel ratto e per 6 mesi nel cane, non causano effetti tossici. Non sono stati inoltre rilevati effetti teratogeni nel ratto in seguito a somministrazione, dal 10° al 20° giorno della gravidanza, di 0,5 mg/kg/die di nandrolone decanoato. Per la natura del Deca-Durabolin, gli effetti indesiderati non possono scomparire rapidamente con la sospensione del medicinale. Le soluzioni iniettabili in genere possono causare una reazione locale nel sito di iniezione. I pazienti devono essere informati sulla potenziale manifestazione di segni di virilizzazione.

La plasmaferesi riduce rapidamente la concentrazione degli anticorpi responsabili della MG; le immunoglobuline ad alto dosaggio hanno numerosi effetti sul sistema immunitario che inibiscono la produzione e gli effetti degli stessi anticorpi. La durata della risposta è di circa 3-5 settimane e, pertanto, questi trattamenti non sostituiscono, di regola, la terapia immunosoppressiva farmacologica. La loro rapida efficacia li rende estremamente utili nelle forme più gravi di MG, e in associazione al prednisone ad alte dosi, nel trattamento delle crisi respiratorie. L’avvento della Ciclosporina diede inizio ad un nuovo filone di ricerca clinica basato sulla possibilità di attuare protocolli immunosoppressivi senza steroide [4]. Questo venne subito accolto con grande interesse da parte dei clinici perché permetteva di eliminare, o ridurre, i noti effetti collaterali legati all’uso protratto dello steroide [5]. Questa opportunità, che però risultò molto meno praticabile del previsto, aprì un ventaglio di proposte terapeutiche che ancora oggi sono oggetto di discussioni.

Disturbi ossei indotti da farmaci

Durante il corso, i partecipanti avranno accesso a esperti qualificati nel campo degli steroidi anabolizzanti, che saranno a disposizione per rispondere alle domande e fornire consulenza personalizzata. Saranno anche forniti materiali di supporto, come guide pratiche e schede di dosaggio, per facilitare l’apprendimento e garantire che i partecipanti abbiano tutte le informazioni necessarie per prendere decisioni consapevoli. Le radiazioni ultraviolette (UVR), sia della gamma di UVB che di UVA, sono considerate una terapia di prima linea specialmente per la vitiligine estesa, grazie alla loro buona efficacia e tolleranza. Gli effetti delle UVR sono sia l’immunosoppressione che la stimolazione dell’attività dei melanociti. Così come evidenziato di recente4 l’utilizzo di raggi UVA1 potrebbe essere un’opzione terapeutica applicabile nei pazienti con vitiligine, anche per quelli che non hanno risposto alle fototerapie più convenzionali. Nel momento in cui si intraprende una terapia cortisonica si deve evitare di assumere elevate quantità di sale per limitare i danni causati dallaritenzione idrica, uno degli effetti collaterali associati a questo farmaco.

Alzhaimer, 4 proteine nel sangue predicono il rischio fino a 10 anni prima della comparsa dei sintomi

Nella famiglia dei disturbi periarticolari, sempre di largo interesse e di comune riscontro nella pratica clinica del fisioterapista, ci sono anche le entesopatie. I retinoidi (acitretina e isotretinoina) sono una famiglia di farmaci utilizzati per la cura delle dermatosi croniche severe, derivati della vitamina A. L’ipervitaminosi cronica causata da una prolungata terapia con questo tipo di derivati, può indurre entesopatie calcifiche, iperostosi e la patologia di Forestier (37). Le entesopatie che possono crearsi sono sia assiali (lungo il legamento longitudinale anteriore e posteriore della colonna) che periferiche e possono avere un riscontro radiografico.

Costituiscono una valida integrazione ai normali trattamenti tradizionali legati all’utilizzo prolungato di alcuni trattamenti (cortisonici in primis), soprattutto quando si vuole effettuare una “drug holiday” ovvero una pausa farmacologica. PUVA I trattamenti PUVA utilizzano radiazioni ultraviolette di tipo A, con uno psoralene, composto che rende la pelle più sensibile a questa lunghezza d’onda. Il Methotrexate L’uso è limitato per i suoi rischi a medio e lungo termine, si basa su un forte potere immunosoppressivo e antinfiammatorio. CONCLUSIONI L’inibizione aggiuntiva del TNF-α al trattamento con steroidi è efficace per la cura della sindrome di Stevens-Johnson e della necrolisi epidermica tossica. Nella MG, gli autoanticorpi sono diretti principalmente contro due proteine di membrana della cellula muscolare striata, il recettore dell’acetilcolina (AChR) e la tirosinchinasi muscolo-specifica (MuSK) (Figura 1). L’interessamento dei muscoli oculari è molto frequente e si manifesta con ptosi palpebrale e diplopia.

Corso di preparazione al parto

La condizione di iperuricemia è ancor più favorita in pazienti che hanno subito l’impianto di un organo da donatore (14)(15). Nonostante la iperuricemia, gli episodi di gotta infiammatoria come effetto avverso di terapie diuretiche a lungo termine, è raramente osservabile. C’è una correlazione tra iperuricemia e lo sviluppo di tofi (deposizione di acidi urici intra o extra articolari che causa i tipici sintomi infiammatori). Tale conseguenza avversa ha spinto diversi ricercatori a suggerire un intervento farmacologico parallelo, basato sulla riduzione degli acidi urici, in pazienti che non possono rinunciare ai diuretici (5). I cortisonici sono farmaci antinfiammatori e immunosoppressori, con struttura analoga ai corticosteroidi endogeni. Il cortisone è un ormone usato contro ogni tipo di infiammazione corporea e serve per ridurre gonfiori, rossori, prurito e reazioni allergiche.

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The Multipurpose Application Wechat: A Evaluation On Latest Analysis

However, if there could be ever a difficulty with the police, a letter could be written and forwarded to their Email and Facebook page. Discussing the security of Echat is an important part of this Echat review, and we shall be analyzing that in this a half of the article. The answer is not any, and that’s as a result of there will be completely no need for that. Echat is free for everyone, so you will want to be wary of swindlers and con artists. No feature on the location requires any cost in any respect.

What must you keep away from doing in a chat room?

Don't say anything you wouldn't want the basic public to know — this consists of your full name, your tackle, cellphone number or different personal info. Don't get along with someone you meet in a chat room. If you must, meet in a public place and bring alongside some associates.

Because of the easy design, folks find this place easy to navigate. Once you get your registration done, this website will keep you worry-free in exploring totally different chat rooms, and you will get to make pals shortly. The icing on the cake is the ability of private messaging. You can message your essential contacts to take your chat session to the following degree of intimacy and pave the greatest way for actual relationship.

Looking Out Choices And Filters At E-chat

With greater than a billion day by day active customers, it’s the default choice for social networking and chat. WeChat customers send greater than forty five billion messages a day. It is the leader in cellular funds, with greater than 800 million users of WeChat Pay. And it supplies integrated companies for upwardly-mobile Chinese users, by providing taxi, restaurant, movie-booking and retail apps all within its platform. WeChat (, Wēixìn, micro-message) was first released by the Chinese multinational firm Tencent Holding Limited in January 2011. With at present multiple billion monthly energetic customers (Tencent, 2018), it has turn into one of the necessary applications on smartphones in China. WeChat presents a multipurpose smartphone application, going past the features offered by its counterpart WhatsApp well-liked in Western international locations.

What was the first on-line chat platform?

The first online chat system was known as Talkomatic, created by Doug Brown and David R. Woolley in 1973 on the PLATO System at the University of Illinois.

As a end result, creators, together with intellectuals, are incentivized to focus completely on content material to be consumed at the moment—short, fragmental, surface-level takes. Consequently, we shifting decrease down and saved touching the simplest of optimum. Everybody should very conscious when reaching some others using the internet. Therefore, do you must use good information, a person’ll undoubtedly deliver good meets, at minimal look into.


Generally, I’ve have significantly precise matches that permitted us to make a quantity of companions. I personally use a quantity of internet websites, nonetheless this platform are the simplest. Obviously, it isn’t completely utterly different out of your relaxation, which implies it’s needed as cautious with who you’ve chosen to massive date. Here you’ll be ready to talk in chat room otherwise you would even have private chat with prospects. And as rapidly as they’re registered they’ll login by utilizing their username and password. Slack moreover makes it easy for purchasers to look out answers utilizing search. Quickly share information by clicking-and-dragging them onto the app, or by linking to them.

You could possibly be amazed to know that there are a plethora of free homosexual chat rooms on-line which could probably be obtainable for use freed from value. ● The platform entails easy registration whereas offering various modes of communication. In top-of-the-line chat rooms for personal use, you have to provide a positive handle to enter. People who wish to converse privately largely use these chat rooms, along with solely those individuals they want. The clear design of the site may not look splashy, but it is trouble-free to use, which is leverage for all.

Assist & Support

However, we do know that the platform was created by a nonprofit organization to reinforce communication amongst Internet users. As with TikTok, it’s time to call out WeChat and minimize the social media wire. A comprehensive WeChat ban is not going to only maintain the info about Americans from passing into Beijing’s hands, however free Chinese dwelling right here from President Xi’s social media iron boot. In addition, some researchers have suggested that WeChat apps may include spy ware, that could presumably be passed stealthily to non-Chinese customers through WeChat-loaded smart telephones. The info the app collects from its billion-plus customers is controlled by its mother or father company Tencent. Tencent has been in hassle with the Chinese government before, for being sluggish to implement its dictates. These days, if authorities want certain knowledge from WeChat, they will get it, including any data originating right here in the united states

However, the owners of the chat rooms have the mandate to handle them. They can invite you or ban you from using the chat room. However, these which are impressed by you will ship you a non-public message to let you understand. However, you might need to be vigilant, particularly when exchanging messages with completely different members. Watch over what you tell each member you chat with. You can be part of the prevailing ones, or you might develop your individual and invite others. And it grew to become an excellent website where individuals may chat and have fun for free.

Which Social Media Is Safe For Chatting?

Every function on the Echat website is free, and no payment is a requirement. If you are a beginner, we advise that you’re cautious of scammers who pose as website admins to extort customers. Being able to ship a direct message to anybody on the positioning is amongst the selling factors of Echat. Like we talked about earlier, you cannot delete your Echat account. Concerning the query, Echat doesn’t ask for any detail aside from username and password, both of which you can edit at will.

  • They will use that hyperlink to hitch your developed chatroom.
  • As a result, creators, together with intellectuals, are incentivized to focus exclusively on content to be consumed at the moment—short, fragmental, surface-level takes.
  • All members get to enroll in free, be a part of chat rooms at no cost, and send messages to other people for free.
  • Mass media primarily use the time period chat room to elucidate any type of synchronous conferencing, typically even asynchronous.
  • The website can not assure any matchmaking, however you can get to know potential singles to update your relationship standing.
  • It is apparent from our Echat Review so far that it is not a safe social platform.

The web site has a standard design that offers you a really feel of what web websites appeared like back in 2006. It will most positively set off nostalgia in a lot older folks. Still, it’ll entice nothing but disgust and fierce criticism from young individuals who care lots about refulgent designs and aesthetics. It is a good web site, however an upgrade would do it lots of good. Scammers and swindlers are present on virtually every social networking platform, and the problem has been deemed an online menace. There is no method to determine who is a scammer and who is not. However, if you are the administration of a chatroom and you notice a suspicious person with dangerous activities, you probably can kick the person out and delete their messages.

Make an effort to have a good profile image that others can view. Now, you’ve an account you could make the most of to chat or even be a part of the chatroom. However, the process that doesn’t require much info raises a few concerns. See, anyone can turn into a member of the platform since no type of scrutiny is employed here. This connotes that there could be scammers on this platform. However, it’s advisable to succeed in security and safety tips from the web on tips on how to make good use of chat rooms. The chat-box is often connected to the primary system.

What are the disadvantages of chat rooms?

  • You can't all the time ensure different persons are being trustworthy or that they are who they say they’re.
  • If you’re feeling weak, individuals on-line would possibly try to reap the advantages of you.
  • Building relationships on-line may find yourself in spending much less time with friends and family.

But if it occurs that not considered one of the chatrooms caters on your pursuits, develop yours. The strategy of developing certainly one of your pursuits is quite simple. So, do not simply develop a chat room about Gays and suppose that they’ll trickle each minute until the chat room has thousands e-chat of members. It is straightforward to let others find out about it by way of invitations. You are solely required to invite them through a link. They will use that link to affix your developed chatroom. Besides, you could be in command of the whole chatroom.

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European Women Reviews & Guide

These are the things that may assist you to decide if she’s someone you could actually see yourself spending your life with. While it’s true that some dating sites cannot meet our standards, the handlers or homeowners, nonetheless, are continually adjusting to the changing stance of social courting. With this state of affairs, not all relationship websites are excellent and a few providers being provided are often misleading. Dating a European girl includes understanding her tradition, being respectful, and exhibiting real curiosity in her as an individual.

  • The courting tradition of the US is one of the most attention-grabbing ones with plenty of elements.
  • giving her consideration to giving her freedom.
  • If she says sure, she will be able to even be your tour information and may be your associate in exploring totally different locations, along with being your associate in mattress.
  • We are advised that guys will try to trick us into getting in mattress and we should always protect our modesty, so it’s refreshing when somebody is upfront about their intentions towards us.
  • Women are culturally anticipated to exude an image of refinement, sustaining a well-groomed appearance, and projecting a reserved demeanor that embraces conventional femininity.
  • You can very well be born in America but have a more “European” mindset and vice versa.

This COST Action lays the foundations for an innovative European-scale method to this downside. The neglect of women as cultural agents is certainly a global phenomenon, directly relating to gender inequality in trendy societies. Gold diggers and sugar infants are usually materialistic ladies who are prepared to be intimate with rich guys for some benefit for themselves.

Many Reasons Why You Ought To Always Make Use Of A European Woman

They write standard letters to a few or 4 of mentioned above ladies and rely on the instant reply. It could sound shocking, but these girls have a proper to stay silent. Just like many males is not going to write again if they do not appear to be fascinated. If you’re an individual in search of a greater half, eastern Western european ladies in lots of instances are a fantastic choice.

  • Czech girls typically prioritize starting a household at a comparatively younger age.
  • European women frequently search for their perfect partner—someone who promotes mutual progress and respects them.
  • If you’re planning to go through Europe fairily rapidly
  • Nonetheless, it’s just an enormous dating website with some basic matching services, and premium platforms supply far more than just fundamental matching and messaging.
  • their feminine facet.
  • Sometimes such a woman can appear chilly and mysterious to verify a guy’s feelings and intentions.

Showing her that you’re capable of spend your money responsibly is a complete plus point for them as a result of this could additionally mean that you’re able to providing a secure future. On the other hand, you probably can say the identical factor about anybody, right? Most individuals are happy with their cultural norms and traditions.

Getting European Girl

Luckily, you do not have to fret about talking your mind with a European woman. Girls from Germany and the Netherlands are very trustworthy and sincere, so be the same. By figuring out what kind of girlfriends and wives European girls make, you’ll not have any disappointments. Westerners like Irish girls as they discover them naturally fairly. What they say about Italian and Spanish girls is that they are passionate, fiery, and revel in having fun. European women are in all probability the preferred among American and English males. Italian, French, Polish, Slovakian, Czech, German, and different girls from the EU all look pretty.

  • There are too many stereotypes about Eastern European courting.
  • The Scots wrap brides in woolen shawls made within the colors of the groom’s clan.
  • Flirting is necessary to kind an understanding, reverent and respectful angle towards one another.
  • Hungarian women’s attitudes towards relationships replicate their dedication to equality and understanding, fostering a harmonious setting where both companions thrive collectively.
  • She is loving, caring, devoted, beneficiant and type hearted.

Eastern European brides are considered to be the most stunning of European brides. These japanese European ladies care a lot about their appears and spend hours trying good in entrance of the mirror or figuring out in the gym. The profiles are extremely detailed and that makes it a lot simpler to make use of this dating web site.

European Woman: In The Event You Rent Or Own?

There are some things you want to know earlier than you begin in search of European ladies to marry. The first is that there is not a one good nation for assembly European women.

Paying The Invoice

However, as you have already realized in the midst of this text, a lot of the European international locations are extraordinarily liberal in relation to love and sex. Polish women are also known for their exceptional beauty, independence, and their genuine want to convey pleasure to their partners and members of the family. Additionally, they have a robust need thus far international males. Austrian women are sometimes acknowledged for his or her reserved and conservative demeanor. However, when you reach breaking down these barriers, you presumably can anticipate unwavering loyalty from your Austrian associate. Austrians, no matter gender, are inclined to have a strong emphasis on training and manners, valuing traditional aspects of life.

They Are Severe About Relationships

There are several stereotypes about European women that want debunking. Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, and other nations all have distinctive cultures that affect their ladies in one other way. For instance, not all Eastern European women are determined to maneuver to foreign nations.

She needs to know that you could supply her stability and protection. You have to be the one who might help her to find refuge from all of the pity from this world.

Benefits Of European Girl

Italian magnificence is an ideal representation of how European girls look like. Scandinavian Girls and German women, for example, will probably speak English very well. In the Balkans, the mastery of the English language will principally rely upon education. The key to maintaining your European girlfriend is to be polite

It have to be well-thought to assist you find the precise one you want the most. It means that the areas you should fill in have to be asking you to get very specific. The extra specific you get about your partner, the earlier you’ll meet. In Sweden, detecting indicators of flirtation is a difficult task. Two strangers not often change glances, a wink, or a telling smile. But come the weekend, Swedes, both women and men, let unfastened. Don’t expect refined romance, although, as it’s not unusual for an inebriated Swede to immediately ask the woman who has caught his eye if she desires to have intercourse.

This is probably the best way to get to know as many ladies as possible in a limited time interval. If you may be staying simply a couple of day in your vacation spot, attempt to chat as a lot as you possibly can with the native (or tourist) ladies. It also provides a selection of membership providers including cam sharing, virtual gifts as well as chatting providers on a variety of platforms.

Women from East Europe take their relationships very significantly and anticipate to define the course of it early on. It’s to not tie you down – they wish to know the place they stand in your life. Eastern European women are a few of the most lovely women on the planet.

European Girls Can Be Fun For All

Therefore, you will not have to fret about unfair judgment from their aspect or any indicators of irritation in public. A European mail order wife is a fairly good partner for the majority of males. Eastern European girls worth genuine connections and meaningful conversations. Ditch the tips and give consideration to building a real connection based on honesty and respect. Take the time to get to know her and show real interest in her life, passions, and dreams.

Giant cubes of ice also added a lot of enjoyable to these drinks. They don’t make excessive calls for on males because they like to be leaders. Girls from European nations choose moderation and naturalness. Therefore, they usually use little cosmetics for daytime make-up. At first, persistent women from Europe make a career, and then they assume about kids and everything else. Women from Europe are these divas who prefer to eat sandwiches for breakfast and lunch.

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